Booking your Greyhound into R2R
Racing2Rehome is a not-for-profit Greyhound Rehoming Group run by Volunteers. Greyhounds in our program live in foster homes until they are adopted. Our foster carers open their hearts and homes to facilitate the greyhound's transition to pet life - while R2R seek a loving forever home for your dog.
Requirements for a greyhound coming into the Racing2Rehome program:
must have a current C5 vaccination (original to be provided to R2R)
a correctly fitting muzzle must come with the dog
greyhound to be delivered to an agreed location
copy of GAP assessment if previously assessed by GAP
(this assists R2R in selecting an appropriate foster carer)
a donation to R2R for each dog to contribute towards their care in foster.

USA Greyhound Rehoming
Racing2Rehome partners with Volunteer-run Greyhound Rehoming Groups in the USA to find more pet homes for Victorian greyhounds.
For more information on R2R's Flight program - Click here
GRV Desexing and Dental Scheme
From 1 July 2021, Greyhound Racing Victoria (GRV) will provide up to $500 (incl GST) towards the cost of desexing and dental treatment of retired Victorian greyhounds PRIOR TO REHOMING.
For more information about the scheme, application form and FAQs - Click Here
GRV website also has a list of veterinary clinics offering discounted desexing - Click Here
Scroll down for the R2R Intake Registration Form.